English x Deutsch ; Nico's Weg Review


Hello readers! So, today will be a bit different because I will review a Germany movie called "Nico's Weg" or "Nico's Journey" in English. Basically, this movie has another intention besides entertain the viewers, it's a Deutsch learning-movie (A1). 

According to it's title, this movie is about a journey of Nico, a Spanish man who came to Germany for visiting her aunt (actually, he was escaping). At Koln Bonn airport, he met a little girl named Emma and her aunt, Lisa. Unfortunately, when he left his bag for playing bubbles with Emma, his bag accidentally loaded and driven away by stranger. Nico looked clueless and confuse. All his stuffs and his aunt's address was gone. Not mention the fact that Nico can not speaks Deutsch also. And there is Lisa, a generous person who offered him a help.

And that is the beginning of Nico journey finding his bag in Germany. While finding his bag, he got a lot of interesting and uniqe experiences too! Met Lisa's housemates, went to party, took care of Emma, learning Deutsch, and many fun things that he did. After a long journey, he couldn't find his bag but finally he found his aunt. Long story short, Nico could find his aunt from one of Lisa’s relatives.

The moral of the story is, we have to be careful for all the things that we responsible. Also, we must have a Lisa’s figures. There are helpful, kindness, and generous figures in our mindset.

My favorite words in this movie is "super" but they pronounce it different so it heards as "zuper". I don't know why but it sounds uniqe to me. Oh, also the scene when Lisa asked if Nico needs help or not , it's my favorite scene. That scene is an important scene because it hows Nico started his journey. The dialog between Nico and Lisa in that scene is kinda cute, Lisa, a Germany woman with her generousity asked Nico a Spanish man with no clue at all, about Deutsch and about his lost bag.

So, watch "Nico's Weg" is a cool way to learn Deutsch for beginner. Aside from the grammar that used in this movie is easy to understand, the plot is kind of fun too. This movie played by such a talented actors and actresses. My favorite is Lisa which played by Charley Ann Schmutzler. Her character is such an inspiring, she can speaks english and deutsch, also she is very kind and helpful.

If you want to learn basic Deutsch in a fun way, I recommend you to watch this movie because it's very helpful and the plot is worth it to watch. You can watch "Nico's Weg" on Deutsch lernen mit der DW’s youtube channel.
