All About Me!

   hello everyone, this is my first time create a blog, so let me introduce my self first!! my name is Almira Kinayya Kosasih but you can call me Almira or Alma, for your information “Alma” made by my friend because one of my teacher called me wrong, she said “Almalia” so my friend keep calls me Alma until now. I live for 14 years in Bandung. My hobby is go to Pitimoss or fun library but since my schedule in this fresh year is messed up, i can’t go to Pitimoss that often. My another hobby is watching movie, i love sci-fi but i also love romance movies!  if you ask which one is my favorite movie, i can’t choose one because it’s too many! if you curious about my music taste, i love listening every music genre, like alternative rock, modern bass, rock, kpop, and old songs too, i think enough for this time! see you soon!
