Situ Cileunca

about Situ Cileunca

   Hello everyone, meet me again, Almira! right now, i want to tell you about a place that is very memorable, fun, and warm to me because i went there with all my friends in OSIS for a last goodbye. Situ Cileunca located in Wanasari village, district Pangalengan, Bandung,Jawa Barat. In Situ Cileunca we can do a lot of activities, like flyingfox, pointball, arum jeram, look around by boat and many more!
    In Situ Cileunca, the flyingfox quite uniqe and a little bit creepy because we will hanging on the rope above the lake, one of my friend stopped in the middle of the rope and hanged  there for 5 minutes, everyone trembled except herself, she looked fine hanging on there.
   It was my first time to ride arum jeram, it was very fun i think you all have to try it

       We can do some sports there, like pointball, it was my first time to do point ball and my team won so i was very proud about it. Situ Cileunca has 1.400 hectare in total and the views are amazing, Situ Cileunca dominance with green and blue views colors because of the lake and the hill, Situ Cileunca also has a function to be a PLTA. For the ticket price it’ just cost Rp2.500, it’s a good deal, isn’t it? I think that is all from me, don’t forget to write Situ Cileunca to your travel list. Thank you!
