My Holiday Weeks

My Holiday Weeks

           Last holiday, I went to some resort in Garut with my family, it named Danau Dariza resort and hotel. We chose that resort because the view is so relaxing and warming and it has hot water tub. There were also many falisilities that my family and I enjoyed it, one of the fasilities is a boat for transportation on the lake. Before went to that resort, My family and I had a trip to some places in Garut, like Cangkuang Temple, we also got lost in the middle of the trip but fortunately the Google Maps helped us. After we had breakfast at the resort in the next of day, we packed ours things for went to another destination, it was Rancabuaya Beach. It was a bad and wonderful trip at the same time bacause the road is extreme made my brother and I got dizzy, and the right and left view is prencipice. Arrived at Rancabuaya Beach, it was too dark to went play outside so we decided to stayed at a near resort for rested first. The next morning in Rancabuaya, we took a lot of photo in the beach and enjoyed the beach view. But after all of that,I really enjoyed that relaxing, warming, and made me had a lot of rest kind of type holiday.

          After came back from Garut, I had a lot of fun with my precious friend, like watched some movies together, ate a lot of foods together, did some sport activities, had a ride night, and did so many silly things with my friend. 

          Also, I felt I had enough time for "me time", in the rest of my holiday, I just spent a whole day in my room and did some fun things alone, like covered my face with a mask, watched a lot of movies alone one of them is "dua garis biru" movie, slept a lot, and played with my handphone. 

         On New Year's night, I didn't go out to some place and watched a fireworks show, it because my family forbid us to do a kind of celebrate New Year's night in order to obey our religion rule. But I had my last night in 2019 with a lot of  fun, I handphoned my friend for countdown together and shared some stories, started with "the most things that very have a special space in my heart' story until the last story titled "the biggest achievement that I did in 2019". 

     In the first day in 2020, I went to my grandmother house to gathered with my big family to prayed together for our lovely Almarhumah grandmother and grandfather, after prayed together My family and I ate together or in sundanese it called "botram". After that, I and My two girl nieces went to some cafe to did a lot of chitchat and shared some stories, I shared my stories too, it was about my experience met my precious friend. 

     In the fourth of January in 2020, my precious friend and I met again for did some sport activities, and had breakfast together. After that, I accompanied him to did sholat jumat and we had lunch together, next we gathered with more friends for watched movies together in cinema, the movie called "Nanti Kita Cerita Tentang Hari Ini", unfortunatelly we didn't get the tickets because they were sold out. But, we watched another movie, but it is a horror movie titled "Si Manis Jembatan Ancol". That is all from me, thank you!
