Suggestions & Offer : Idul Adha Program

Idul Adha Program

         Eva : Hey Minke, where have you been?
         Minke : Eva! I have been from "Kurva 3"meeting.
         Eva : What is "Kurva 3"?
         Minke : "Kurva 3" is an Idul Adha Program at school who coordinated by students. I am one of the committee.
         Eva : Hm, that is interesting. What is the benefit being a committee?
         Minke : I think you should join "Kurva 3" committees! There is a lot of benefit that you can find if you joined. You can make new friends, you can train your social softskills, also you can learn lots of something new! Let's join us!
         Eva : Wow, I think I want to join. But, I am afraid that I can't make it both. You know, it is kind of hard to keep the balance of academic and organization. 
         Minke : Don't worry Eva, I will help you if you need me. 
         Eva : Aw, hahahaha that is sweet Minke, thank you for offering, I will need your help.
         Minke : Hahahaha. So? Join us?
         Eva : Yeah! Would you help me? Where should I start?
         Minke : My pleasure hahaha. Hmm.. shall I take you to the second meeting?
         Eva : Good offers. Let's go, Minke!
