My Goal My Ambition

Everytime I questioned about my own future, I always answer it with silence because 
actually, I don't have a spesifically plan about my future. I write this while my thoughts are wilding , "What is your future plan, Almira?" "What is your passion, Almira?" "What are you gonna do in the future?". And the answer is, "i don't know".

Pathetically, it is true that I still don't know what is my true passion and my future goals. 
But, I am not that clueless. I have a bunch list of my future goals (which the problem is "i can't choose" ) and from all the list, there is one future goal that shining in my eyes. It is Prosecutor. Prosecutor is a person, especially a public official, who institutes legal proceedings against someone or a lawyer who conducts the case against a defendant in a criminal court, also called as  prosecuting attorney.

Why Prosecutor? Since I was a kid, I don't have any idea for becoming a Prosecutor. 
Grown up, I realize what I like the most. It is talk about truth, debate, and discover about social-politics, society, historical-politics, and politics issues. I always love to read and write about those issues. I want to use my skill in the future for fix legal order in Indonesia, I want to be the person who bring revolution in law-world in Indonesia, and I want to do something for better Indonesia. 

There are a lot of consideration about being a Prosecutor. One of them is, I am a science 
student and that will be 2 times harder for achieving my dream instead of social student. I just hoping that my dream will come true, all i want to do is study and pray hard. There is always ways, there is always.

